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Ace Video Rentals Database

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The Ace Video Rentals Database was last updated to v1.0.1 on 04-09-2010

I am but a poor uni student - Can you spare some coin to keep me fed? Thanks in advance! Your help will not go unappreciated =)

My Ace Video Rentals Database program (a VCE I.T. Software Development project) won 1st prize in the Monash University IT Challenge Award 2011 Database category!

In VCE IT Software Development 3/4, one of our SACs was to develop a database system for a fictional company, Ace Video Rentals. The program would allow the company to keep track of loaned videos.

We worked on our VB.NET programs over a period of about a week, some parts at school, and some parts set as homework. We each created a data dictionary, drew up interface designs, wrote out pseudocode, programmed it, created test data, performed testing, and wrote various documents such as an evaluation, one addressing conflicts between the company and programmer, and a user manual.

We were taught how to use a ListBox object in combination with a fixed-width font to display the database, but unsatisfied with the appearance, I investigated a more native alternative, and discovered the ListView object. This allows the records in the database to appear as a native Windows list with columns.

Whilst VB already has database function built-in, we had to design our own functions for sorting, searching, adding, and deleting records. Unlike most others in my class, I managed to create a searching function that was able to return more than one result.

We were expected to save and load the database to/from a text file with the fields separated from one-another by blank spaces filling the remainder of the character limit for each field. To me, this appeared to be a horribly clumsy process, so I researched and implemented saving and loading using the Comma Separated Values (CSV) filetype.

I have included the file I used in class for testing the database, ‘Test Data.csv’ for you to play around with.

How is all my content free?
I do not believe in DRM! Instead, I believe that all digital content should be freely available, and if users of that content regard it as valuable, they should be able to donate to help keep its creator fed.

What is DRM, you ask? DRM is the incredibly irritating set of usage limitations that creators put on their content. LIMITATIONS like how once you buy something sch as an iPhone app, it is ILLEGAL to give a copy to your friend. Or that you MUST PAY for music. Or that you MUST WATCH those annoying warnings at the start of DVDs, or that you are not allowed to rip a copy of that DVD to put on your iPod. It is sad that creators must put DRM on their content in order to receive a workable profit. In my opinion, DRM should not exist.

It is due to this hatred for DRM that I offer all my digital content to you for free. This mindset may not generate me much income, but I know you guys hate DRM too, so please do your best to donate as much money as you think that my continuously free content is worth to you! I will be adding PayPal donation links soon. Thank you =)

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Tags for search engines: yr12 yr 12 year 12 vce software development dev vce i.t. s.d. information technology soft dev it sd itsd carey baptist grammar school cbgs ocga old carey grammarians association i.t. ICT i.c.t. mrs sloan ms sloan acevideorentalsdatabase data base manage sale video loans videos dvd loan dvds sales loan loans database db dbms rdbms relational database management system microsoft windows 7 windows Vista windows XP windows 2000 windows ME windows 98 download free zimbi co zimbico Zimbi co.

This page was last updated: April 06 2012            
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